Support orphans and families left by the shuhada

We help disabled people transform their lives .

People supported last year
Accommodation & Shelter Projects

Marginalised People Supported Daily

0 k
People supported last year
Who We Are.

Rebuilding broken lives

hamdi charity (HCH) was founded in 2023 by British nurse fardus ibraahim ali during the war , supporting local hospitals engaging with internnaly displaced famillies.

training healthcare workers in the region to give quality health care services.

The HAMDICHARITY ORGANIZATION vision is to empower disabled verterans and their famillies by providing medical and non-medical support advocacy, and services to enhance their quality of life.

support orphans and famillies left by the shuhada

CEO & President

Help us to make a difference

We help people get back on their feet, but need your help. 

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Donation Total: $100.00

Our FREE helpline is open 24/7
What We Do.

Provides housing
& supportive services


The accommodation program was established to support individuals in need of housing. Over the reporting period, more than 5000 individuals were successfully accommodated.  

People supported

During the time was established we supported more than 5000 Peoples for different backgrounds 

Marginalised People Supported Daily

The data reflects our ongoing commitment to support and improve the lives of those in need.

Our Values.

We celebrate the potential in people

We put our words into action

We take a wider role in civil society

We believe in rights & responsibilities

Volunteer with us

At Humani we consider our volunteers to be our greatest asset and need your help.

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Our Blog.

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Deeq Lacageed Oo Dhan 3,000

kun oo dollar ayaa la Gaadhsiiyay Xarunta Daryeelka Halyeeyadii ku Nafoobay Xoraynta SSC-Khaatumo lacagtan Oo ay soo dirtay Xaliima Axmed…


Maamuus Qaran

Daawo sida Loo Maamuusay Halyeeyada Laxaadkooda u waayey dadkooda reer SSC iyo Maamuus Qaran oo loo Sameeyey.

Get in touch


office near telesom HQ


